Thursday 6 December 2012

The commute

Seems odd to me to be starting a blog 8 1/2 months into what was an experiment but here we go…
I've identified myself as a cyclist for over 20 years now, but it wasn't until late last winter that I decided to try making the commute to work a regular thing.  For much of the past several years it wasn't really an option anyways but 2012 was finally the year to try. 

First things first…
Getting up a half hour to an hour earlier sucks, and as such makes me try to find excuses to stay in bed especially on those lovely Vancouver area (ok Surrey) winter mornings.  I had to find a way to force the issue.  Simple way to get around it was to take the drive to work option off my truck insurance.  I'm still allowed up to 6 work trips per calendar month, but I need to reserve those for days I need to get my kids from daycare and for emergencies.

Second things first…
This whole experiment had to come with the help of my wife who now is the primary driver of said brood.   Not completely sure why she agreed to this process but here are some of the benefits I included in my sales pitch:  The insurance savings on my 1994 F-250 turbo diesel is only about $25 per month, but the fuel savings on my 9km commute is more like $400 a month.  its a pig on fuel and riding also cuts out some of the side trips after work which also means some savings on spur of the moment purchases.  Now increased riding does mean increased wear and tear on the bike and clothing but lets still say I'm ahead by $400 a month.  Its also a means for me to get some of my cycling in, which we consider to be me time.  With our busy lives a sane(ish) husband is a good thing for her to have.

It was an investment to get set up for all this, but i've reached the point where the needs are starting to get fewer and the purchases are mostly heading into the want range.  I may talk about costs in more detail at some point.

ok so I'm like Gollum and have my precious safely secured on the wall of my garage where this time of the year is is occasionally polished with a diaper and placed on the scale to weigh it with different wheel sets on it.  That too will likely be another post.  That said I do have 2 bikes (I know this doesn't fit within the rules) (see future post) The second bike sees most of the action.  Its my winter road bike, commuter and cross bike wannabe.  Its set up with V-brakes so it can handle wider tire options, as well as fenders and lights etc… Yes it was an investment but it saves on wear and tear on the good bike.

Okay screw the numbers…
My goal is to write short blog posts that go into more detail about gear I've tried and experiences on the road.  Hope to go into some detail discussions about fenders, lights, wear and tear, clothing etc…

Lastly for today is the fitness aspect.
Its not a huge amount of exercise, a little less than an hour a day, but I'm getting in around 80km a week just from the commuting which helps keep the winter weight off, and in the summer contributes to base fitness.  This time of the year there are fewer club rides , and my weekends are taken up with other commitments thru much of the year.  Every little bit helps.

thinking its working its way from experiment to lifestyle change.

Hopefully more to follow


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